I know what you're thinking. And you're wrong.
Perform open modification database searching.
Identify uncharacterized protein adducts.
Supports open data formats (including mzXML and mzML).
Pre-compiled binaries get you started quickly.
Version: 1.3.3
Date: April 25 2024
Magnum is available in pre-compiled binaries for Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux (Ubuntu).
Source Code
Magnum is written in C++. The source code is free and open with an Apache 2.0 license. The source code is available on GitHub.
Follow Magnum in the scientific literature, discover tools and pipelines that use Magnum, and find the latest Magnum publications here.

Magnum quickly assigns the highest scoring peptide and adduct combination to every spectrum analyzed. Determining which of those assignments is most likely to be correct is crucial. Prioritizing the assignments most relevant to your treatment will accelerate your research. Many tools exist for the validation and interpretation of Magnum results. Here are a few of these tools to rapidly develop your research pipeline.

Analyze, visualize, distill, and share your MS open modification search results. Import Magnum results, combine multiple analyses, and rapidly identify adducts of interest.

Trans-Proteomic Pipeline
Multi-platform graphical interface for using Magnum, combined with downstream validation tools to estimate probabilities and FDR of Magnum results.