Installing Magnum
Please note that this document is intended for installing pre-compiled versions of Magnum only. Instructions for building Magnum from source code are provided on the Source page.
Step 1: Download the zipped Windows application from the Download page.
Step 2: Make a folder on your hard drive to store Magnum. A possible location is C:\Magnum
Step 3: Open up the zipped file you downloaded in Step 1. Copy all contents to the folder you created in Step 2.
No further installation steps are necessary. Magnum operates from the command line. To uninstall Magnum, simply delete the folder you created in Step 2.
Installation on Linux is basically the same as for Windows. After downloading the zipped Linux application, following the same steps as before. Here is a summarized set of commands:
$ mkdir Magnum
$ cd Magnum
$ unzip /your_download_path/
Additionally, you may need to change your permissions to execute Magnum:
$ chmod 755 magnum